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Программное обеспечение программатора MiniPro TL866A, TL866CS v5.90 от 03.03.13
Работает под операционными системами Win 2000/Win XP / WIN 2003/WIN 2008/WIN Vista/Win7, как 32 разрядными, так и 64 разрядными
Количество поддерживаемых чипов на 03,03,13 - 13137 шт.
 Список поддерживаемых микросхем.
Изменения в софте:
1. ICSP interface (6-pin interface of the programmer right side) is limited to the TL866A model.
2. Partly Microchip's MCU with More than 40pins require the use of the TL866A for ICSP interface programming. Most of Microchip's PICs MCU support programming on ICSP and 40PIN seat.
3. About ATMEGAxxxx and SYNCMOSЎЇs MCU SM89xxx SM59xxx TL866A support serial programming on ICSP and parallel programming on seat. TL886CS only support parallel programming on seat.
4. AT45DBxxxx can only be programmed using the ICSP interface (TL866A only).
5. To all other chips. TL866A and TL866CS no diffrent. Both programmers work with genuine TL866 Adapters for devices up to 48 pins.